We are made out of stars

What a paradox it is? From the search for contentment to the attainment of happiness, weak strands of insecurity, deficiency, comparison binds us all together. 

Desire to be another animal, or better than the other brought our necks to the cord of stress. Moving on our illusionary self-made pedestals, shooting arrows in the dark, mimicking smiles, bombarding proud words…unsurprisingly, percentage of hitting the mark is vanishingly small. It makes us blind to the light beyond the harrowing clouds. I imagine a grey haired aloofness in sheets of mental misery resting on a luxury bed of anguishing thoughts. 

Tail behind the feeling of meagreness is insecurity which brings in comparison and an endless connecting dots of unhappiness. Competition with outer world is an attitude of a limited mind. Mind who has not acknowledged the possibilities in our gigantic universe, encompassing trillion stars. Independent in a very dependent way. We all are in between the extremities and everything in between. 7.12 billion unique souls similar and dissimilar at the same time and space. 

All judgement must be confined for our inner world of body and soul. Renewing our own dying cells, changing perspectives, broader vision, every step towards better self. A moving sea of kindness flowing between the souls, touching none…surprisingly, a better species is born. I imagine, colorful birds flying under the limitless sky, achieving heights, celebrating their existence and togetherness.

We are made out of stars, let’s shine like one.

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